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A Brief History Of My Journey As An Artist

The evolution of consciousness through the improvement of the human condition has always been central to my artistic pursuits.

Following my debut solo exhibition in 2010, which was dedicated to my mentor, the pioneering perception artist and photographer Chuck Close, my interest in exploring technology's influence on human evolution became more focused. Curated by veteran gallerist Elga Wimmer in New York City's prestigious Chelsea Art district, the widely acknowledged "madness" surrounding my solo exhibition, featuring my Pixelated Hybrid Paintings (developed in 2007) and the debut of "Holy," a series of Photoshop-constructed self-portraits — acclaimed as "original and with depth" by renowned New York art critic Jerry Saltz — marked the inception of a profound journey of research into the not so distant future, where the use of emerging technologies—such as Artificial Intelligence and bioengineering— promise to radically enhance intellect, physical attributes, and longevity; thus giving humanity a better chance of improving the limitations of the human condition.

In 2020, I founded Immortalists Magazine, an acclaimed publication and research venture that features the leading thinkers and scientists in the Transhumanist Movements, aiming to simultaneously raise awareness about the existential risks intertwined with these esoteric yet widely debated futurist philosophies.

By 2022, the launch of ChatGPT sparked my deep dive into Artificial Intelligence. Fascinated by AI's potential, I explored text-to-image generators for my artistic pursuits. By 2023, this exploration gave birth to Synthmorphix, a series of digital artworks delving into the intersection of technology and human imagination.

Drawing inspiration from pop culture, history, global events, nature, and scientific fields like quantum physics, Synthmorphix endeavors to unravel the co-evolution of humans and potentially conscious technological entities. It acts as a canvas for pondering on the nature of the influence of AI and other emerging technologies on our own evolution by blurring the boundaries between human and machine creativity and seeking the harmonious integration of humanity with our creations.

As an ongoing testament to my exploration of AI's potential, Synthmorphix continues to evolve. Offering a visual narrative that invites contemplation and ethical consideration amid the rapid evolution of digital technology and its potential existential implications. Through a collection of digital artworks, Synthmorphix serves as a catalyst for thoughtful consideration of radically transformative technologies.

The warm and extensive reception that my work has received over the years from the public, art collectors, critics, and celebrities fills me with profound gratitude. I hope to evoke a similar sense of curiosity and appreciation through my latest works in Synthmorphix.

For those interested in adding my work to your art collection or exploring potential collaborations, please feel free to contact me.

Thank you for your awareness. 

- Dinorah Delfin


For artwork availability or to commission a Hybrid painting, contact me here.

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